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5 Ways to Win Dry January

Dry January is the new juice cleanse. It's the better juice cleanse because you get to eat, you aren't miserable, and it's not like $189 for 3 days of liquid.

You know the drill.

After all the holiday revelry and celebrating and boozing, you commit to a "dry" January. 

As in no booze. Of any kind.

(Sometimes I moonlight as a bartender for charity - I make a mean Moscow Mule.)

The thought is that January is usually pretty dead - the SuperBowl isn't until February, and with all the $$ spent in December and all of the parties, you back off for a few weeks to recoup the funds and let yourself detox/recover from the holiday season.

Your biggest concern when committing to Dry January? 

"But like, will I become a hermit? Can I go out? WHAT DO I DO?"

Fear not my friends, I got you covered. Mostly because I just did a dry month. (I KNOW.)

5 Ways to Win Dry January

  • Stock up on the essentials. Kombucha, La Croix (Coconut or Grapefruit gets my vote), Pellegrino, the works. Rather than making mocktails which can be loaded with sugar, stick to sparkling water or 'booch. I like it out of a wine glass. Sets the mood.
  • Fake it. Order a sparkling water with lime in a low-ball glass to avoid the "WHY AREN'T YOU DRINKING?" inquisitions you'll inevitably get. Trust, it's easier for everyone that way.
  • Either announce it and commit to it - or shut up about it. If your friends/people around you/coworkers aren't into Dry January, they don't want to hear about it every single, solitary second. So avoid letting everyone know HOW WELL YOU'RE SLEEPING. Or HOW GREAT YOUR JEANS FIT. Much like if you've just decided to go Vegan. Or try Crossfit. Announce it, commit to it, and then drop it.
  • Sign up for all the early (or mid) morning workout classes on the weekends. Post about how amazing you feel on social media afterwards. 
  • Set a goal. You'll have a lot of extra awake time from sleeping so soundly all month - why not set a goal at the end of January for a 5K/10K/half marathon? 

Honestly, it's over before you know it and you're ready to take on the year with a clear head, less bloat/pouf to your bod, and a month of solid sleep under your belt.

Or cheers your success with a cold brewski.

Your call.

On Focus.

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