
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Barry's Bootcamp March Academy {Overview}

So if you know me or follow me on social media (hint - you can do so on Instagram right hereyou'd notice that Barry's Bootcamp has been showing up quite a bit lately.

Truth be told, it's been an (almost) daily part of my life.

I'd been SoulCycling like a maniac (still am, don't panic) and then when the New Year rolled around, I wanted to diversify a little bit. I wanted more weights, to lean out, to get faster and stronger and still have the community that I love so much about boutique fitness.

So I made my grand return to Barry's Bootcamp.

NBD, sometimes Ellie Goulding hops in to teach a class.

I won't lie - that first class was ROUGH. I hurt. I was huffing and puffing. I chugged that smoothie from the Fuel Bar afterwards. And then had actual breakfast. And then took a nap. I was spent.

But so, so endorphin wasted.

So the past couple of weeks I've been going 3-4x a week. It's become a part of my daily routine and I'm loving how I feel. Also my sprints are almost at 11.0. Hashtag progress.

But, I always need something to commit to. A goal. A challenge.

The San Francisco Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon is April 3. That's 30 days away. The last 1/2 I actually ran well was the U.S. Half in October 2014. Way too long ago. How did I train? Going to Barry's London basically every day for 10 days leading up to the event (helloooooo work trip!)

I was strong, I could manage the hills, I could sprint through that finish line.

That's how I want to train.

Did you know there's such a thing as the Barry's Bootcamp Academy?

You do now.

How It Works

Monday through Friday for 4 weeks.

Pick either 3, 4 or 5 classes a week.

Starts the first Monday of the month.

Pretty simple, ya?

So Jane and I committed.

We're doing 5x a week, Monday - Friday, starting on March 7.

Abs + Arms, Butt + Legs, Chest + Back + Abs, Hardcore Abs, Full Body.

All of it.

And then at the end we're treating ourselves to one hell of a spa day.

I'm dying to see what type of progress doing this workout consistently (um, daily) will do for my fitness level, my body, my productivity, all of it.

And I'm taking you all along for the ride with me. I'll be posting weekly summaries, some nutrition tips, advice from local Barry's trainers on how to best recover/fuel/refuel, what my recovery looks like (spoiler: I think I have to go to yoga) and what a day of eats looks like when you're consistently doing "the best workout in the world" (Sidebar: it burns 1,000+ calories on my FitBit. No lie.)

Follow along - I promise it will be worth it.

Want to join in? It's not too late! Sign up for Barry's San Francisco March Academy here.

Friday Faves - Volume OMG It's MARCH

Refuel {Your Wardrobe} : Workout Tanks