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5 Recipes on Repeat for Fall

5 Recipes on Repeat for Fall

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In San Francisco, we get our summer in September/October. Well, usually.

This year it felt like it came and went incredibly fast, and frankly the only thing I cared about was that the weather was perfect on September 15… and the universe definitely delivered. (In case you’re new to these part, that was our wedding day.)


But now there’s that (occasional) crispy chillness in the air (also a helluva lot of fog) that can only mean our ‘Indian Summer’ is gone, and the autumn months have arrived.

I’m likely the only person on the planet that abhors pumpkin spice anything (seriously) but I LOVE roasted veggies, soups, stews and chilis.

We like to cook really simple, easy, healthy meals that don’t require a ton of ingredients or dishes. Mostly because we don’t have a dishwasher (SOON), and also because we’re tired at the end of a long work day and also aren’t trying to drop $200 at the store each week. Fun fact: home prices are absurdly expensive in the Bay Area. Every dollar counts folks.

So here’s a few recipes that’ll definitely be on repeat for fall in our house.


Need a quick breakfast that’ll impress or just go REALLY well with your coffee?

This 1-Bowl Banana Bread is amazing.

Oh wait, you wanted dessert? Duh.

What’s on tap in your kitchen this season? The fewer dishes, the better frankly.

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