Holy HELL it’s Week 4. Like I don’t even believe it. I also can’t believe the weekend is already finito and it’s Monday evening. WHY. Remember when it was Sunday morning? Yeah me too. Happier times.
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
Holy HELL it’s Week 4. Like I don’t even believe it. I also can’t believe the weekend is already finito and it’s Monday evening. WHY. Remember when it was Sunday morning? Yeah me too. Happier times.
I actually can't believe I'm 6 Barry's Bootcamp classes from being finished with my 5x a week Academy.
Wait seriously - I'm HALFWAY DONE. (Sike, I'm more than half-way done since I forgot to hit publish on this and it's now Monday afternoon/evening.
Well that's 5 classes down. (Technically 6 because you're reading this on Monday after I started the day bright and early at Barry's).
15 to go.
It's FRIDAY. It's also been raining for like... ever at this point. I've stopped even remotely trying with my hair. Top knot it is. Forever.
And just like that it's Friday again.
I started my morning with a Barry's Bootcamp class and immediately grabbed the largest coffee Peets would make me and came home to inhale breakfast. (Which, if you're wondering was oats that I prepped last night in an almost empty (technically it was a "kind of empty") Peanut Butter jar.