
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

So I'm Doing Yoga for 40 Days

And this is Day 2.

I'm participating in a yoga challenge. 


There's apparently a lot of significance in 40 days and creating habits but frankly the first thing that came to mind was that Josh Hartnett movie of our youth, 40 Days and 40 Nights. I'm pretty sure he had some "tech company" specializing in on-demand diaper delivery or something. SO ahead of the trends.

Le sigh, I miss the 90's. And Josh Hartnett.

But back to yoga.

I've been taking a fair amount of classes at Baptiste Yoga SF - the only Baptiste yoga studio in San Francisco, and as such, it is one of my favorites. I love the Power Vinyasa style of yoga (read: SWEATY AND FAST) and the studio is in the Presidio and absolutely gorgeous. My first ever Baptiste experience was actually in NYC - I took Bethany Lyons' SoulCycle class and couldn't feel my legs and then she was like "Oh hey also I own a Baptiste yoga studio called Lyon's Den (CHEEKY), go stretch there". 

So I did. And I was like what is this type of yoga I have never done before and want to do always?

Baptiste. Based on the teachings of Baron Baptiste, an all-around yogi badass,

The Challenge is essentially:

  • 40 days
  • Yoga 6x a week (so, 36x total - class or at home practicing which is generally impossible when you live in 700 sq feet)

Essentially, WAY outside my comfort level.

I'm mixing in SoulCycle, running, Pilates, etc and also taking classes at Equinox because 1) I need my yoga set to music 2) I need a variety of instructors 3) I prefer to not sweat out my body weight every time I practice yoga 4) I need my chilled Eucalyptus towel (I'm SO BASIC, you already know).

40 days of yoga is actually more yoga that I've probably done over the past few years, combined.

But I've really gotten into a (semi) regular practice the last couple of months and I can both see and feel myself getting stronger (WHATS UP CROW POSE) and I'm a little bit curious to see what a committed, consistent practice can do for me.

I'm also essentially terrified because I did my 1/36 class last night and my arms are sore AF from Chataraunga-ing for an hour that I'm skeptical I can continue.

But don't, worry, I will prevail. 

I actually think this may be the most challenging thing I've ever attempted. Because while yoga and I are friendly and like seeing where things go between us, we're in no way exclusive, and we're still (very openly) seeing other workouts.

So here we go.

How To Do Yoga Without Making It Your Life

Monday Monday