
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Monday Monday

So it's Monday, it's gloomy, it's raining. 


Get at me Fall I'm into you. 

I don't particularly have anything insightful to say, probably because someone chose to buzz our apartment at 6:30am this morning and then I was in and out of sleep until my alarm went off for Pilates.

YEP. I'm baaaaack.

I'm aware there's been a lot of yoga talk around here lately but about 6 weeks or so ago I got back into my Pilates game. Way back, in 2011/2012, I was a total Pilates addict and it remains my favorite form of exercise. I went 4x a week (while marathon training like a psychopath) and I truly believe that the combination of strength/cross-training and following my training plan to a T (with zero emphasis on nutrition - truly) helped me hit my goal time of sub-4 in my first 26.2. All about that core strength you guys. Then I got Pilates certified and taught off and on. 

Problem was, I never found the studio that I was truly, 100% obsessed with so my Pilates dedication waned and I just decided I'd live at SoulCycle instead (not a bad alternative).

Anyway, I recently found the GREATEST PILATES STUDIO IN THE LAND (or... San Francisco), in Mighty Pilates and I essentially just can't get enough. I SAW TWO ABS TODAY. (Also I'm over you Chestnut Street. Sacramento Street is where it's at.)

So now Soul and Mighty have to split me 50/50.

But rather than profess my love for Mighty and Pilates (which I assure you, will be coming in a later post) - I just feel like rambling on a variety of topics.

  • I listen to a lot of Spotify and I get irrationally excited about New Music Friday. Which is typically a huge let-down after the first 3 songs. Last week though I got a new Chainsmokers, one of the lads from One Direction (I couldn't tell you his name if you paid me), and a DNCE song. So really, I'm satisfied with that. 


  • We went to the Ayesha Curry x Michael Mina Pop-Up, International Smoke on Saturday night with some friends and it was SO GOOD. I also ate more food than the average person does on Thanksgiving and I trained for this - I went to SoulCycle Survivor Saturday, I was ready. And I still couldn't finish all of the tasting courses. Also neither Ayesha or Steph (OR RILEY) were there but I promise I'm not that mad about it. Definitely worth trying.  This dessert in particular - Pineapple Granita with Macadamia Nuts and Mango Mochi. OMG.


  • On the music topic, someone this morning told me I "looked just like Selena Gomez", and "Do you get that often?". No I don't because that is 100% not accurate but like, fine I'll take it.


  • Because I have great taste in... everything, I watch a lot of television (our DVR is at 92% currently - WELCOME BACK FALL TELEVISION) and I'm probably the only person alive still watching Grey's Anatomy like a crack addict. (It's fine, I've been Meredith Grey for Halloween like the past 10 years). It dawned on me last night that like pretty much all of the original characters except for like... 4 are dead. Sorry if that's a spoiler for you, but even McDreamy's gone. PS - I promise I'm actually cool and I also watch The Night Of, Ballers (duh), Narcos, and Game of Thrones.
  • I spent $14 on breakfast last week. Truth, and it was the best $14 ever. Across the street from Heaven (Mighty) is As Quoted, which I've talked about before. But like it's right there and the lattes are amazing and the toast is gluten-free and thin and topped with almond butter and banana and honey and it's PERFECT.


  • I'm 10 years late to the GoT party but I'm here and I'm obsessed. So much that my phone has started autocorrecting my boyfriend's name to Sansa. No BS. 

That's really all I got today. 

PS I wish it were still the weekend.

So I'm Doing Yoga for 40 Days

On Yoga (...and like, life)