
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Goal Crushing.

Can I tell you guys something? Spoiler, you don't really have a choice. 

I mean you do but... you get where I'm going with this.

2017 feels to me, like my goddamn year. I don't know what it is, but I've got this feeling.

That I know where I want to be and I know the steps I need to take to get there.

I love to workout. Running has come back into my life with this fiery passion and I'm so into it. SoulCycle is a staple. I even do (light) weights now. 

The last few months I've worked my ass off - running, weights, form on the bike, on cross-training, on endurance, on nutrition, to be the strongest athlete I can be.

Recently, while my dear friend geared up for a quad (that's 4 classes in a single day peeps), I got the opportunity to ride her podium.

By myself.

To me that was everything. The biggest honor. 

Not familiar? Riding the podium mean's riding the instructor's bike. Being up in front of the entire class - completely exposed and completely accountable to being on your game, and giving it absolutely everything you have. 


I reveled in it. It was one of the best 45 minute periods OF MY LIFE.

No bullshit.

It felt like 3 years of classes, of community, of building relationships, of making SoulCycle my haven, had come to a tipping point and I was given this experience. 

And I made the most of every, single second.


It was scary. It was thrilling. It was unknown. It was exciting. It was inspiring. 

I have a tradition of housing Pressed Freeze after 105 minutes of SoulCycle. 

That was the start of my 2017 year of #goalcrushing. I got into the Brooklyn 1/2 Marathon last week and I'm excited to kick off a new kind of training plan that works for me to run my best in New York later this spring - full of weights/strength training, SoulCycle and a few runs per week. (Ugh, fine and yoga. FINE.) I've got more goals to work towards later this year as the opportunities present themselves.

I've left extremes and excuses behind.

I'm ready.

I'm focused. 

So 2017, let's get on with it.

Time to Cut the Ish.

On Focus.