
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Time to Cut the Ish.

I figured something out recently.

The key to "your best body ever" (vomit, I know) or "your fittest self" isn't at the other end of a $40 boutique studio class you roll into.

Say whaaat?

Stay with me.

I used to shell out money for any and every type of class - yoga, barre, Pilates, bootcamps, you name it. I figured because I was "going", that I'd see the most optimal results regardless of effort put forth, how much I truly pushed myself, etc, etc.

I mean then I found The Bay Club and life changed but that's another story for another day.

Oh so, SO wrong Kristine.

It's not about showing up to class for me. Truthfully that is the hardest part and for some people it makes all the difference to just be there. Because it's that or nothing.

But for me?

Not the case.

I've got big goals this year. And showing up, well it just won't cut it.

So I had this revelation recently while out on a run when I was in that "uncomfortable zone". You know it - it's when it stops feeling like puppies and sunshine and starts feeling like that dark place Meredith Grey often went to on Grey's Anatomy (yep, still watching.)

It hurts. It's a little messy. It's completely not fun at times.

But this revelation?


Sorry for yelling, but really let that sink in.

Show up vs SHOW UP.

How many times have I showed up to Bar Method or Pilates just to go through the motions of the moves and left like "Haha I went to a class now I'm good"? Dropping to my knees for push-ups because "I'm tired", using lighter weights because, "But what if I bulk?" How many runs have I slogged through miles telling myself, "NBD you're out here." How many SoulCycle classes have I half-assed turning it up because it would "be uncomfortable"?

Time to cut the shit Kristine. Time to SHOW UP.

When 2017 started I made a commitment to myself - I'd cut the shit, I'd stop half-assing, and I'd give every workout the effort, the focus and the presence it deserves.

No more reading Us Weekly on my iPad on a treadmill (Sometime tell me who wore it best please?) Also, no more treadmill period because I abhor it. No more half-assing that resistance knob on a SoulCycle bike. No more cutting reps and sets because it "feels like I did enough". 

The last 6 weeks?

My runs have meaning. I bust my ass for as long as I can and I make every step count.

My strength training sessions at The Bay Club are effective. I use weights that challenge me but that are realistic to complete sets. I complete all my reps.

My SoulCycle classes are worth every dollar and every minute. I CRANK that shit up. I run my heart out. I participate in 3-lb 2017 and challenge myself with weights, even if it meant that last Friday during a Warrior Survivor I had to physically put the weights down on my bike for the last 30 seconds because I'd fatigued my muscles to the point of exhaustion. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT PAINS ME TO DO THAT? A lot.

I met with a trainer at Breakaway Performance (an intensive sports training program housed within The Bay Club focused on swimming, cycling, running, and triathlon training and diagnostics - the full shebang) and we talked about everything from goals to current workout routine/regimen to nutrition.

I'll be sharing my athletic goals in a post coming up next week, but for now? My running form is shit (but hooray - easy fix), I'm a heel-striker, I need to activate muscles via strength training that will benefit my running, and my shoes ain't doin' me no favors. 

I'm excited to chronicle this training session/journey through 2017 as I work towards my goals, experience the inevitable setbacks, celebrate the successes, and share my sweaty learnings.

So long (long) story short here? Showing up is great if that's what you need. If you've got bigger goals you want to hit? There's a difference between showing up and SHOWING UP. With purpose. Be someone who SHOWS UP. Physically, mentally, emotionally.

The changes you'll see are pretty amazing, I promise you.

Big year ahead people, BIG YEAR. 

Let's go.

But first, like, anyone else need a nap?


The Couple That Sweats Together...

Goal Crushing.