
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Couple That Sweats Together...

Um you guys. 

First things first - THANK YOU for all of your words, notes, comments, like, etc on my last post. Means the world to me, and I'm truly practicing what I preach. Goals are never met but ticking off boxes. They're met with hard work.

They're met with effing GRIT. I'm all in.

Exhibit A: My weekly SoulCycle double. Turning it up. 3lb weights. Even if I was "tired".

Exhibit B: Today (okay and yesterday's) run. Not stopping, showing up.

And in a seamless transition, today is VALENTINE'S DAY. Love yourself, love your significant other/partner/spouse, love your friends, love your family, love YOUR LIFE.

(Fun fact: this guy has never missed the finish line of one of my races in OVER 9 YEARS, spanning multiple states.)

I was thinking all things love, and then I was thinking that something that's been a part of my relationship since the beginning some 9ish years ago is our mutual love of exercise.

I've tried every possible workout class, run, walk, weights, swim, etc. Boyfriend has stayed true to weights, running and basketball. But the overarching factor? We (often) do it together. Even if we just show up, start, and end at the same time, it's something that bonds us.

(Also he's 6 feet, I'm 5'4, and our running paces aren't exactly the same.)

But I'm convinced the couple who sweats together… stays together. Essential to our current routine is heading to The Bay Club multiple times a week together. He usually does his thing, I usually do mine, but it's this time we have together. We grab a bite after, or have a "lifestyle Sunday"" - watch a game, sauna, spa, etc. We love it.

I get a run in and some weights or pop into a class, he plays basketball and hits the free weights. We're both there together. We make plans around it. It's our thing.

Because life gets BUSY. Between work, family, friends, social obligations and having time to breathe, relax and sleep, time isn't exactly unlimited (even if it does seem like it is at 2pm on a Wednesday in the office, just sayin'.)

DID YOU KNOW: Exercising together rebuilds connection, allows you to have fun together, and gives you pre-planned time in your otherwise busy and unpredictable week. ("Shhhh don't talk to me, Scandal is on. BE QUIET OLIVIA IS HANDLING IT.")

So grab the love of your life and get your sweat on.

Seriously. Here's 5 reasons it’ll benefit you and your relationship. (And c’mon, who doesn’t want to see their guy/gal all glistened with sweat?) 

5 Ways Exercising Together Benefits Your Relationship

1)   New opportunities together – When you’re working out together, your significant other is seeing you as strong, fit and capable. In the future when they want to try something new, athletic or extreme, they think of you to join them. Cue new experiences, memories and passions together.

2)   Chase a common goal – Whether it’s a half-marathon you train for together, or simply hit the gym or take a walk, working out as a couple gives you a chance to bond over attaining a common goal and also to spend some damn time together. Cue support and motivation of each other in and out of the gym. 

3)   Find something new – When your significant other drags you to his-or-her favorite spin or yoga class at the gym? You never know, you may have just found a new class to add into your weekly workout routine. It goes both ways, introducing your partner to your favorite workout gives you something new to do together and new healthy habits to create. (This is a strategy I'm currently employing with boyfriend and SoulCycle.... and failing.)

4)   Your, ahem, bedroom life will thank you – Working out creates endorphins and produces pheromones. Watching the love of your life sweat, pulse, grit and grind it out? Does it get any hotter?

5)   Dinner dates just got a whole lot better – All that sweat, all those calories burned, all that effort… now you get to refuel together, order ALL the things, have a drink (hello, beer = carbs) and spend time not in spandex (or do, because athleisure is super trendy and YOLO.)


A Little Bit, Every Day.

Time to Cut the Ish.