
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Life Update

I’ll just jump straight to the obvious. It’s been OVER a year since I last posted. Dang.

A LOT has happened in the last year.

We didn’t get a dog, but I was overly affectionate with a whole lot of them.

We worked a lot.

Traveled a lot.

To sum it up, in the last year, a great deal of life has happened.

Last April we said goodbye to our rent-controlled apartment and moved to a bigger one.

I settled further into my job. I love the company, I love my team, and I love what I do. Who would have thought my Journalism degree would actually be put to use in what I do for a living?

We traveled quite a bit this last year too. Tahoe, Carmel, Santa Barbara, LA and New York. Over the summer we spent 10 glorious days in Tahoe, skied on the 4th of July, drank my bodyweight in Rombauer Chardonnay and lived in a bathing suit.

We also went to Italy for 2 weeks with my family (Rome, Cinque Terre, Florence and ended in Tuscany) for a gorgeous, gorgeous wedding in a 14th century castle.

We hosted dinner parties and happy hours at our new apartment (perks of not living in 650 square feet include being able to have other human beings over for meals and drinks and general revelry.)

I kept up my walking obsession, walking about an hour a day 5-6x a week. I may have let yoga fall by the wayside (as one does), but I’m looking forward to picking it back up… soon.

Oh and the BIGGEST bit of the last year?

We found out in early fall that we’re expecting, TWINS, in April.

And we couldn’t be more excited.

A Fit Pregnancy at the Bay Club

Reacting to Stress