
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Fit Pregnancy at the Bay Club

I always had these grand visions that I’d be this super fit pregnant lady - going to prenatal Pilates and yoga, drinking smoothies and green juices all the time. With that ‘pregnancy glow’ and luscious locks to boot.

Then the first trimester happened and I was SO TIRED that I napped every single afternoon, and went to bed at 8pm for a full 10 hours. And still woke up tired. I walked about 3-4x a week for 30-45 minutes, SLOWLY. I didn’t touch a vegetable unless they were disguised into my smoothie or sautéed into an omelette.. I ate all the carbs. (Also a great time to be in Italy, the motherland of carbs.)

Thankfully though - I wasn’t sick. I’d have waves of nausea here and there but nothing a few saltines couldn’t fix.

Around 12-13 weeks, I started to get my energy back. I could walk 6-7x a week, and normal food sounded appealing to me again - salads, vegetables, legumes, all my plant-based favorites. (To note - I’ve been eating meat during this pregnancy - my OB advised me that with twins, I needed extra protein and plant-based alone wouldn’t cut it so I eat animal protein a few times a week - and am psychotic about where it comes from. You may have different advice, but I listen to my doctor. Will resume plant-based eating once these babies arrive.)

My fitness regimen? Daily incline walks at the Bay Club and an upper body weights circuit.

Full disclosure - the weights came into play when I held a friend’s newborn and my arm was literally worthless after 10 minutes. And I’ll have two of them!

18 weeks, 22 weeks, 25 weeks respectively. (These Gap Fit maternity shirts ARE MY LIFE.)

Bay Club

We’ve been members of the Bay Club for a few years now and we LOVE IT. They have everything - a massive weights and cardio area, every piece of equipment you could want, a million classes, a huge Pilates studio, basketball court, tennis, pools, café, huge locker rooms with all the amenities, everything.

It’s also not one of those places you go where everyone stares you down as you walk across the gym floor. People are there for their workout, not to check you out. We’re able to go workout all over the Bay Area, and even better, when we travel, we can use the clubs there.

Workouts from 13 Weeks - Present (25 Weeks)

I walk anywhere between a 3.0-3.5mph and a 0.5-1.0 incline for 40-60 minutes.

It varies yes, but then again so does every day in regards to my energy levels, how my back feels, etc. If I get a round ligament pain, I slow it down, it goes away, and I stay at a slower pace. It’s not about mileage these days, it’s just about getting moving.

Three times a week I do an upper body circuit consisting of 3 exercises, 4x through and I switch up the exercises weekly. I target shoulders, biceps, triceps and upper back.

I do the exercises sitting on a bench so as not to put added pressure on my belly, and to make sure my back is supported the entire time.

In about a month of doing this, I’ve seen a HUGE difference in my arm strength and tone honestly. I feel stronger, my arms are actually leaner, and I feel like I’ll be able to hold both babies at once for long periods of time. (Here’s hoping!)

2nd Trimester Diet

Diet wise - after the first trimester of carb-loading and being so ravenously hungry that I wanted to/could actually eat everything in site, I’m pretty much back to normal.

With multiples, its recommended you eat 350 - 450 extra calories a day per baby. At the recommendation of my doctor, I also gave up gluten and dairy (we were noticing they’re highly inflammatory in my body, and I don’t exactly have the luxury of extra real estate in there) and I’ve been feeling SO much better. I get that not eating gluten and dairy is the #trendy thing, but honestly just do whatever makes you feel your best. I see a noted difference in myself when I do eat those ingredients so I opt not to.

I don’t really eat sugar so I’m trying to be as healthy for these babies (and for me!) as I can be.

Basically I’m eating like I normally would with the exception of:

  • Adding in animal protein (I’m very mindful of the source of said protein)

  • Eating larger quantities to ensure I’m getting enough calories.

Overall I think a ‘healthy pregnancy’ isn’t a clear-cut definition,. I do what I can, on any given day. I eat well, move for at least 30 minutes, and get enough rest. Come 5:30pm my feet are up and I’m resting.

But I’ll be back at it walking this bump on the treadmill at the Bay Club the next day.

Pregnancy Fitness Questions? Have at ‘em.

The One Where You're Having Twins

A Life Update