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All The Baby Stuff You Absolutely Need From 0-6 Months

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There is SO MUCH baby stuff out there and when you’re pregnant you think you need all of it. (Um, guilty). They you have the babies and realize that they actually USE a fraction of that. Then you realize that they actually LIKE only a fraction of that. These are the items that worked best (and continue to work best) for us. A lot of these items are pricey, I get that. But if it makes you feel better you’re probably not buying two of everything. So you’re immediately saving money. Let me know if you need any other tips on how to justify absurdly expensive baby stuff. Here to help.

Baby Bjorn Bouncer Bliss - We used these literally multiple times a day, every day. We also sprung for the $50+ wooden toy that attaches on them and were convinced the babies would never use them and they are obsessed. The boys love being in them, and it’s hysterical to see them figure out how to ‘pump’ - Jay with his chest and Cregg with his legs.

Hatch Rest Sound Machine - I registered for a sound machine because it was what you’re supposed to do. I thought the Hatch was pretty and I liked the idea that you could essentially condition your children to not exit their beds until the light changed color. My husband the tech guru programmed the white noise to go on at the start of nap time and a lullaby to play at the end. If the twins ever get fussy at the end of a nap, they hear the lullaby and know that’s when we come in. And not a second sooner. It instantly calms them - I swear, if they’re whining when that goes on, they’re like, “Sweet - those people are coming in now.” We use the white noise during naps and at night, and have the light come on in the morning. It’s fantastic.

Eufy Baby Monitor - I research all electronics on Wirecutter and they said that the Eufy was the best Baby Monitor of 2020. (Infant Optics previously held the top spot because the Eufy didn’t exist yet.) They also come with a crib mount which gives you an excellent vantage point to stare at your children all night long. You can cycle between two cameras (because, two cribs) and we’re really happy with it.

Baby Bjorn Baby Carrier - Now that the twins are bigger and can face out, they love these carriers. We use them on walks and it’s essentially like a weighted vest. They usually always eventually fall asleep too. When they were smaller, we’d use them around the house if they were fussing and we needed our hands. Those Boba wraps did not work for us.

Kickee Pants & Kyte Baby Onesies - They’re pricey but they’re so soft and stretch really well for longer use. The boys still wear their 3-6 mos and they’re 7.5 mos old and about 20 lbs each. They’re also just so cute. And pricey so ask for them for gifts. Unless you have one kid and you don’t need two of everything.

Magic Merlin’s Baby Sleep Suit - THE GAME CHANGER. Once the boys figured out how to roll over in their cribs, they’d roll constantly, they get pissed then were stuck in a corner and get pissy. Once we put them in the Merlin suit it was like night and day. They’re also just so snuggly. We love them so much we have back-ups. We love the back-ups so much we bought them in the next size up. They are truly magic.

Ugly Plastic Toys that light up and make noise - I resisted these SO HARD. Turns out babies don’t love aesthetically pleasing wooden toys, they like hideous plastic, light up toys. So, so much. But it entertains them, so I gave in. For now.

Thule Urban Glide Double Jogger - This stroller isn’t cheap BUT it was on sale at the Nordstrom Anniversary sale. We put the boys in this at about 6 months (once they could hold their heads up really well since there’s no support) and they LOVE IT. They don’t make a peep the entire time they’re in it. It’s lightweight, easy to push/run/walk with and facing out rather than in has been a game changer. Highly recommend.

Skiphop Jumper - We were lucky enough to have two friends who lent us their jumpers (since with twins you need double everything and it gets pricey - QUICK). These things are hideous, and take up a ton of room but they entertain babies for a solid 30 minutes at a time, strengthen their legs like crazy, and CONTAIN them. Which is key.

Don't Call It a Comeback

You Ask, I Answer - Part 1