
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Don't Call It a Comeback

You guys holy shit parenting is hard. Parenting and working full time is very hard. Parenting, working and having kids home because schools close due to COVID exposures or you get runny noses/coughs (which apparently is 24/7 for toddlers?) IS REALLY F*CKING HARD.

But I digress. They’re so GD cute and funny. It’s a season of life, right? RIGHT?

Anyway - the twins are nearly 20 months old. That’s INSANE. It’s been a HELL of a year and a half. I had them at the height of the pandemic - when we didn’t know anything and I literally didn’t hug my mom for a month before hand I was so terrified I was going to kill her or I’d get it, or my husband would or the babies would and I was just a wreck. Like I remember not only wiping down ALL groceries for a month but then also the spot on the floor the groceries sat on. I WAS NOT GETTING TAKEN OUT BY A BOX OF PUFFINS.

But they arrived (4 weeks early - preemies are a trip let me tell you), we’re all fine, we’re all double vaccinated and boosted (not the kids but like the rest of the functioning adults in this family).

We (thankfully) after a year on the waitlist got them into toddler preschool at 18 mos (the very earliest we could) and it’s been the biggest game changer. These kids are total COVID babies and would freak out if a stranger approached them. We seem to now have totally adjusted toddlers who ham it up 24/7 seeking attention from any and everyone. Frankly not unlike mom.

So now we’re somewhat finding a groove (amongst school closures, toddler colds, and what have you), anticipating a snowy winter in the mountains (and getting the kiddos on skis in the backyard!) and settling into life with twins.

I’m cooking a lot more, I found a workout routine that works while not stressing me out (energy is slightly harder to come by these days), and I have a lot to say.

Hope you’ll stick around.

3 Ways To Cut the Bullsh*t in 2022

All The Baby Stuff You Absolutely Need From 0-6 Months